1995 MBZ E320 Cab ?Unobtainium? For Sale! in Palm Springs, California For Sale
Price: $50
Type: Car parts,
For Sale
- Private.
Parting out my 95 E320 CABRIOLET W/116K orig. Miles
AC blew cold! Only a soft top switch was out and bad quarter window regulator
Nothing really wrong with the car. Originally bought it for the roll bar cartridge for my '93 320CE AMG/Sportline Cabriolet
Located In Los Angelesl
Be sure of part numbers needed as all Sales are Final!
CONTACT Rick: Four two four, two ten, Zero zero Eighty-four
OR: coronacattlecollectiblesco (at) G mail (dot) com
with name & number and parts needed and I?ll get back within an hour!